Everad is 50 years old!

Everad is 50 years old!

Everad is 50 years old!

-June 2019-

It all started in 1969!

2019 is the 50th birthday of our company. We are proud of the progress we have made over the past half century.

Since its creation, our company has grown but has never forgotten its roots and values:

  • Adaptability
  • Expertise
  • Commitment
  • Cooperation
  • Confidence

Everad has become a major player in the world of bonding solutions for the foam, construction and assembly industries, as well as the custom manufacture of adhesives.

We focus on our customers’ needs to provide them with the best products and services so that they can get the most out of Everad solutions.

The customer focus has been our motto for 50 years, and it will be for the next 50 years.

We continuously invest in people and new technologies to develop new products and services; our flexibility and proximity to our customers worldwide are the basis of our approach.

The customer focus has been our motor for 50 years, and it will be for the next 50 years.

Thank you to all Everad employees!
Thank you to all our partners for your trust!

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